Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tutorial: Basic Neutral Eyes

Hi Beauties.

I'm on an editing and uploading frenzy right now, so the blog postings are gonna be a bit sporadic while I'm trying to keep up.

Needless to say, here is a shot of the maybelline pallett that I used, called "sunbaked neutrals" which I TOTALLY love right now!

You'll be seeing quite a good deal more tutorials and looks using this very pallett so stay tuned!!

I'll do some swatches tomorrow - the lighting is SO bad inside, I need the natural daytime light!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


G'day Beauties. This is my inaugural post AND youtube clip.

I've been an avid youtube junkie for AGES and have finally been inspired enough to add my own channel with a unique Australian spin.

All of the products featured in my videos will be available in Australia, and most of them can be found at your local Priceline, Target, K-mart or Chemist.

Also, stay tuned! I'm a professional photographer with HEAPS of tips, tricks and hints to help you look your best with little to no fuss!

Head over to my youtube channel and subscribe to automatically get news videos as soon as I post them.

I have a quite a few more videos and related post in the works - including an amazing tip GUARANTEED to prevent your lip gloss from coming off onto your drinking glass. So, subscribe and stay tuned.

If you have any questions, or requests for reviews or looks, please email me at ozbudgetbeauty@gmail.com and I'll do my best to get right 'onto it'.

'Til next time, Beauties.


PS - I HAVE to include props to three awesome youtubers. Seriously, go check out and subscribe to their channels immediately!