Wednesday, July 1, 2009

OzBudgetEvolution: 6am rise... whatever...

Okay, so today is was day 2 of my caffiene detox.

And today was the day I was supposed to [come hell or high water] be out of bed by 6am.

Yeah right.

So disappointed in myself.

Apparently I turned off my alarm this morning. Mark assures me he never touched it. I beleive him. It's just that I don't remember any of it.

Now, I don't think that I have a 'problem' with caffiene. After all, 4 or 5 coffees a day isnt' so bad - is it?

But, apparently, my body disagrees with me. I've been grouchy and crotchety ALL day... Thankfully, I was forced into goodnaturedness this morning (I have a weekly catch-up with girlfriends, so I have to be at least civil). From there, I raced to take Moto to kindy.

We raced home in time to get Brutaxis his lunch and pop him into bed...

After checking a few emails, generally wasting time being grouchy with myself, slinging back a few DECAF coffees (no sugar), and trying unsuccessfully for a few minnies to read a book on my 'must read' list, I decided I'd better not fight it any longer...

I flopped onto my bed, fully clothed and shoed (something that I normally find so rediculously uncomfy that I can't sleep) and immediately fell asleep.

Thankfully, I had the good sense to set my alarm which - I'm happy to report - I managed to wake up to. It was only 40 minutes, but it was enough to recharge my batteries for the next few hours.

I managed do cope with Brutaxis' constant "Why?" all the way to kindy which as any mother knows, can get just a little grating after the zillionth iteration, only to be caught by a freak rainstorm on arrival.

Needless to say - getting completely soaked before I can even open the umbrella, then having to wrestle a 2yr old out of the car and carry him AND his soft-toy-friend-dujoir to the kindy didn't do too much for my general demeanour.

I am, however, thankful for small mercies... It was all 'over rover' by the time we all emerged, with the added baggage of a painting (still wet and getting paint all over my clothes, of course), a term portfolio, and a few sticks of something-or-other into the car.

Then, once we were all bundled back into the car, we had to drag our sorry selves to collect Mark from work, and get home to prepare dinner (via the beach, of course, to see the waves)...

Only for Mark to herd me back to the car immediately upon arriving home so I could go run some poxy errand before the shop shut at 5...


So, now I'm stuck here, writing this post, when all I wanna do is put my sorry self out of everyone's misery.

I'm heading to bed.

Better luck with the 6am thing tomorrow.

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