Monday, November 16, 2009

101 things in 1001 days...

At the start of last year, I decided to quite making 'New Years' Resolutions' lists.

I find it difficult to keep them, and end up getting frustrated with myself.

At the time, a group of colleauges had, one by one, embarked on a "101 things in 1001 days" challenge.  Initially, I thought it was a bit of a fad - something that would lose momentum pretty quickly.  But I kept on seeing update posts on their blogs, and I was intrigued...

Could it be possible to make lasting changes?  To write a list and keep to it?  To expect change, yet forgive ones' self if it doesn't happen, and to have included this outcome in one's plans..?  And then get up and go at it all over again?

It appeared so.

And because personal development/evolution is something that is pretty much at the core of who I am, I decided to embark on the journey.

I can't find the original website right now, but this is exactly what I posted on my [old] photography blog, the first part of which was copied - verbatim - from the "101 things" website:

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

My Master List:

  1. Shoot my first solo wedding as Vashti Wood:Photographer
  2. Be published.
  3. Spend a week, on holidays, with just my husband!
  4. Organise my make-up.
  5. Set aside $10,000 to 'play' with.
  6. Get Moto's eczema under control.
  7. Read 35 books.
  8. Find a kindergarten for Moto.
  9. Find a school for Moto.
  10. Make and educational video.
  11. Expand my subscriber base by 1000.
  12. Buy a Holga camera.
  13. Identify 100 things that make me happy.
  14. Visit Aljona in Germany.
  15. Visit Ali in England.
  16. Visit Paris.
  17. Replace every piece of clothing in my wardrobe.
  18. Get as close as possible to my pre-wedding size.
  19. See a 'movie in the park'.
  20. Visit Nikki & Richard, and Donoi & Folla in Perth.
  21. Visit the Northern Territory.
  22. Visit Tasmania.
  23. Meet 5 favourite photographers.
  24. Begin homeopathy studies.
  25. Keep a dream journal.
  26. Print/frame a dozen photos for my home.
  27. Make new blinds for my home.
  28. Make a cubby house for the kinder.
  29. Organise and cull Moto's clothes.
  30. Organise and cull Hugo's clothes.
  31. Refurnish Moto's bedroom.
  32. Refurnish Hugo's bedroom.
  33. Make everyone's beds, every day for a month.
  34. Make pizza from scratch.
  35. Make scones from scratch.
  36. Learn how to make mint jelly.
  37. Throw a dinner party.
  38. Make tomato relish.
  39. Complete the New Testament group.
  40. Remember everyone's birthdays, and send cards so they arrive on or before their birthdays!
  41. Have a date-night with husband once a month.
  42. Make a fold-up pocket sized re-usable shopping bag.
  43. Make 6 dresses for Moto.
  44. Get an iphone for Mark.
  45. Get an N96 for me.
  46. Upgrade our computer 'situation'.
  47. Decide on two lenses to get.
  48. Get two lenses.
  49. Get an SB900 flash.
  50. Celebrate our 5th Wedding anniversary.
  51. Take a portrait of Moto once a month for a year.
  52. Take a portrait of Hugo once a month for a year.
  53. Create Kinder portrait blog and post the above two every month.
  54. Ride to the Library, with the kinder, at least 6 times.
  55. Get a pedicure and 'maintain' my feet.
  56. Never leave the house without hair and makeup for at least one month.
  57. Practice pilates every day for a month.
  58. Visit the Great Wall in China.
  59. 'Do' China, where tourists don't go.
  60. Photograph someone famous.
  61. Make a coffee table photo book.
  62. Take portraits of all 'close' relatives.
  63. Make a photo pin-board.
  64. Take the kids to Disney Land.
  65. Go camping with the kids 3 times.
  66. Read Twilight series.
  67. Build a snow man.
  68. See a production by Cirque du Soleil.
  69. Kiss in the rain.
  70. Complete a Sudoku book.
  71. Learn to solve a rubiks cube.
  72. Get an ipod.
  73. Get a video camera.
  74. Get involved with and plan Dessert club for a year.
  75. Try my hand at 3 holga modifications.
  76. Watch "Gone with the Wind".
  77. Visit Lenny in Malaysia.
  78. Get teeth professionally whitened.
  79. Take/post a photo every day for a whole year - create a 365 photo blog.
  80. Take a Self-Portrait every week for a whole year - create a 52 photo blog.
  81. Take a portrait of my Mum, print and frame.
  82. Take a portrait of my Dad, print and frame.
  83. Take a portrait of Mark, print and frame.
  84. Have another family over for dinner/games at least 4 times.
  85. Find/read 5 esoteric 'christian' scriptures/lost books.
  86. Critique said books compared to the Bible.
  87. Start a 'Tips and Tricks' journal, and write something in it at least once a week.
  88. Create 500 wedding album templates in photoshop, or buy a wedding album software.
  89. Remember to use re-usable shopping bags.
  90. Plant Moto's placenta.
  91. Plant Hugo's placenta.
  92. Make homeopathic remedy from Moto's placenta.
  93. Make homeopathic remedy from Hugo's placenta.
  94. Toilet train Hugo.
  95. Ride my bike every day for a month.
  96. Leave a lovenote for Mark to find, once a month.
  97. Be awake by 6am every day for a month.
  98. Go cherry picking.
  99. Shoot at least 1 national/interstate destination wedding.
  100. Shoot at least 1 international destination wedding.
  101. Restart this project

And so, I thought it best to transpose my 101 things blog entries to my OzBudgetBeauty.

I have been VERY lazy in keeping up to date with posts crossing items off my list, but now it's been transposed, I plan to be more consistent with it.

If you're thinking of creating some new years' resolutions, have a go at embarking on this journey instead.  It's surprisingly difficult to come up wtih 101 things you want on achieve in just under 3 years, and it makes you think.

So, I know it's a few months before the New Year dawns, but I thought I'd put it out there and get you thinking.



t the start of last year, I decided to quite making 'New Years' Resolutions' lists.

I find it difficult to keep them, and end up getting frustrated with myself.

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