Thursday, July 2, 2009

At least I'm starting early...

I'm SO glad I'm starting my PersonalProject a little early!! (try 6 weeks)

I've totally failed 5 days out of 5 in the "getting up at 6am" department!!

At least I can blame caffiene withdrawals.

I have to say, though, that I actually remember turning my alarm off yesterday... I thought that I was putting it on snooze, but I accidentally turned it completely off.

And this morning, when 6am came round, I actually contemplated getting up... I'd recorded last night's episode of Medium and knew that if I didn't get up and watch it then, I'd not get a chance until 6am tomorrow...

I've got dessert club tonight, have to get Dorothy to the airport at 8 in the morning, then have another appointment with the stylist to try and fix my hair tomorrow midmorning - fingers crossed on THAT one - and then spending the arvo getting stuff ready for Mark's man-date with two of his besties... I don't think I can wait 'til tomorrow night to watch it, so it's gonna be awesome incentive to actually make it out of bed early tomorrow!!

(how sick are you of hearing: "I'll get up at 6am tomorrow"?)

My body is slowly getting used to being woken at 6am, though. So, that's been a surprise.

And what's surprised me more is that I haven't been able to rely on my willpower to just get it done.

Normally, I would consider my willpower to be REALLY strong. When I make up my mind on something, it doesn't budge and I just get it done... so it's been an interesting experience to really NOT BE ABLE to do something I'd decided to do..?

(I'm secretly really cross about it, actually. I guess it's the perfectionist/anal-retentionist in me?)

I'm reading "The Gabriel Method" at the moment (don't get me wrong, I don't wanna lose 100kg or anything, but I do want to change my body) and he talks a LOT about how if your body/subconcsious beleives it's unsafe to do something, then no matter how much you try to do that thing (with your conscous mind) your body will rebel EVERY step of the way.

I just have to teach/show my body that no caffiene is in my safest best interest, and that 6am starts are beneficial, and then I'm pretty sure that before long, I'll be bouncing outta bed before my alarm's gone off, full of vitality and energy, ready to start the day.

Of course, I'm also realising that - realistically speaking - I need a lot more sleep than I've previously been getting (two young children, waking in the night, a husband who snores REALLY loudly!!) so I've decided to start acting like the old woman my 17yr old tells me I am, and start going to bed really early to get a headstart!!

GRRR... and I need to be a whole lot more organised... I feel like I need to have everything regimented...

Yeah... well, we'll just see how THAT goes, won't we.

PS - have you noticed I'm not as grumpy today? I think I'm over the worst of the caffiene withdrawal process *YAY*

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